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Wednesday 29 November 2017

Frame Your World With God’s Word And Release The Light( part 1)

Frame Your World With God’s Word And Release The Light

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Word of the Day

Beloved, you have more control over your destiny, your future than you know through the words of your mouth. The principle…the law of sowing and reaping functions in the area of speech more so than any other place. The worlds were framed by My Words (Hebrews 11:3).
Image result for frame the world with word of God
All things were brought into existence as a result of My spoken words and made out of things which are invisible. Sometimes…most times you cannot see that for which you believe. It is invisible to the naked eye. This is where you follow My example and use My Word and dare to speak and dare to believe what I tell you to speak and believe. Listen carefully and you will know the time and season to speak certain things. Every house is built from the foundation up. I will tell you which portion of the house to speak to. I will tell you how and when. Don’t fill the seemingly silent places or the waiting places with negative words. Keep repeating and believing the positive ones for I, the Waymaker, have gone before you to fulfill My Word…to watch over it and perform it.
I gave you all you need to know in order to avoid the pits of wrong thinking. I would not have told you that life and death were in the power of the tongue and that you would have to be satisfied with the fruit of it, good or bad, if it weren’t so. Instead of speaking death over your life and the lives of others, speak life and release the light of My Word. Release the good medicine of My living Word and you shall soon see.
Speak death to past destructive seeds you have planted and to the harvest released by your spoken thoughts, words, and actions. When you do this in the power of My name and through the blood of the Lamb…when you do this and exercise your authority as a king and priest, all forms of words of death and their harvest will be destroyed. Like tender grass in dry ground during a drought, they will wither away to nothing. When this is done, release the capsule of life…the living Word in you and see an oasis born. This is a challenge…an open invitation to change what you say and think. Trust and see.
My child, you will reap what you sow. Reaping is always in the future and sewing is in the present. Will you sow to the light and release the magnificent capsule of potential I am in you? Hide My word in your heart. Speak it out of your mouth for it changes your thought life and you will not sin against Me. Sow to the present glory of My life in you and the image I have created you to be and you will reap the future of destiny and purpose. See the capsule released over your life. Your future dwells in the very depths of who I am; in you. Try Me and see for I delight in giving to you. This is good medicine. Take it My love…
By faith we understand that the worlds [during the successive ages] were framed (fashioned, put in order, and equipped for their intended purpose) by the word of God, so that what we see was not made out of things which are visible. (Hebrews 11:3 Amplified)


Lord, I have never really thought about having control over my own destiny but when you relate it to the words I speak I can understand. Yes, You are sovereign; but, I do have control over what and how I speak. I can choose to agree with You which makes the process of walking out my destiny easier and quicker or I can disagree to my own dismay. I do not want to be one who kicks against the goad or fights you at every turn because I do not choose my words with careful wisdom.
Your framed the worlds with Your words and made all things out of that which was invisible. Please help me to see this…to have a revelation of the truth and not be dismayed because I cannot see what I am hoping for. I dare to speak the Words You have given me, both spoken and written. I will not base my diligence on how I feel or what I see. I will simply trust in You and believe if You said it You mean it. Your Word is my Word.
Holy Spirit, please reveal to me any destructive, ungodly word seeds I have planted. Show me the hidden seed in my heart with the potential to produce a harvest with the power to destroy and hold back the purposes of God in my life. I rise up now and speak death to the ones I know…to any anger expressed…any thoughts I have had of people who believe they can never change. I break convent with words of judgment of others and my own self. I choose to make an oasis in my heart so the Word of God can bloom and break forth in light. I rest in the knowledge of who You are in me and I in You. Today I delight in the Lord and take the good medicine of His Word even it if brings correction. I receive the whole Lamb…the whole Word. Amen.

Reflect and Journal

  1. Have you ever thought about the words you speak or don’t speak as enabling you to have control over your destiny? God is sovereign but He has instituted sowing and reaping. Sometimes He turns water into wine but for the most part we are responsible for our words. Does this mean if we speak wrong words of death that we are not accepted or loved? NO! His love and acceptance of us is not based on behavior but on who He is; Love. However, speaking life will help us to move down the path of destiny in a more peaceful and productive way. Jesus only spoke what He heard the Father saying. Because of this He could say the enemy had nothing in Him.
  2. What death words do you need to break agreement with?
  3. Where do you need to, by a choice of your God given will, choose to speak the positive and not the negative? Pick one area, one thing until you grow in a disciplined and consistent way. Keep adding more and one day you will be amazed at the change…if not in others…in yourself.
  4. Your future dwells in Him…in the depths of Who He is in you. Mediate on this…on Him.

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