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Guidelines for Successfully Interpreting Spiritual Dreams


Those who have had a dream which they believe to be from God, called "spiritual dreams," know how frustrating they can sometimes be. These dreams are often full of intimidating and bizarre symbolism which leave us scratching our heads asking, "Lord, what in the world are you trying to tell me through this?!"
As one who has long been fascinated by this subject and who has been interpreting dreams for many years I want to share with you some guidelines which will greatly help you in interpreting your dreams and the dreams of others.
The most common mistake is to interpret our spiritual dreams literally. Often a woman will dream of being raped. This most often represents not a criminal act which is soon to occur, but rather an emotional or spiritual robbing of something near and dear to the person. Dreams are very cryptic and symbolic in nature and we must be careful to know when to take an element literally and when to see it as representative of something else.
Be aware that individuals can sometimes represent types of people rather than themselves. For example, you repeatedly dream of the same person from your high school days they could be representing a certain type or class of person (the wild party girl, the neglected social outcast, etc.). God will often use a person you have strong opinions of (negative or positive) to represent types of sin or types of generations or age groups He's directing you to minister to. The valedictorian of my senior class represents my generation, and she appears in my dreams every few years when God is communicating messages to me on this subject. When I dream of Amy Clark I know I immediately have part of the dream de-coded.
Always interpret the dream within the overall context of the emotion you felt upon waking. For instance, one person may dream of standing in the midst of rushing water which is rising higher and higher. Two people can have that same dream and one awakens terrified of drowning while another has total peace. The water in one dream may represent impending doom and judgment while in the other it represents the power of the Holy Spirit. One has to analyze their emotional reaction to the dream. When you are first awakened are you excited, empowered, scared, or confused? If you are just confused with no overtly positive or negative impression then you'll realize that this third guideline doesn't help you and you'll be glad this article was free! No seriously, this just means you'll have to struggle a little harder to arrive at the dream's meaning, but you can still decode it with a little time and prayer.
There are no universal standard meanings for the symbols in your dreams. Besides a few common symbols that are universal, we each have our own unique "dream vocabulary" that we get the joy of discovering over time. We all seem to have particularly unique symbols for the demonic realm. In my mother in law's dreams they're alligators, in others' dreams they're snakes, in mine they're bearded, tattooed men on motorcycles! It's a long story - don't ask. For someone who grew up with dogs that were treated like family members, dogs in their dreams could represent safety and divine oversight. For a person who was mauled as a child and is terrified of dogs today, the presence of a dog in their dream could be indicative of danger or an attack from the enemy. The same holds true for common objects, colors, animals, or geographic locations. Every person's dream vocabulary is unique and has to be gradually discerned.
I hope these four guidelines will help you in better interpreting your dreams. But these guidelines will be useless if you don't record your dreams. Be sure to keep a notebook next to the bed or a recording device for later dictation and record the dream immediately upon awakening. Rest assured that when you ask God for wisdom in interpreting your dreams, He will provide it. Also be encouraged that He has gifted some in the Body of Christ with a specific gift of dream interpretation and they can be very helpful for especially difficult dreams.
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23 days ago
Hello, I need help interpreting this dream:

I was at a graduation at the university where I got my masters and I (with some other alumni) was asked to bring our graduation robes so we could be recognized at the ceremony. I didn't see a need to as I knew in the dream that I had already graduated. But I later felt the need to be recognized and I left to go get my robe and was attacked on the way so I rebuked the person and got my robe but could not find my honors cords I had graduated with as a member of an honors society.
I came back and the procession had started and I was told my name had been called and as I sat down the officiator asked who I was. The person sitting behind me helped me put on the cape over my robe. I noticed some of my friends from undergrad as well as my work colleagues (none of whom attended my grad school) were in the audience. One of My colleagues had a frown on her face and the others were missing from their seat but had seats reserved in their names. 
We processed around the room and out of the hall. 
(edited)23 days ago
I need help with dream interpretation: 
I recently had a repeat of two separate dreams I had in the past combined into one dream, so a total of three related dreams.
In the first dream, my apartment was attacked as someone kept switching the lights on and off so I called security and they sent two female guards. I asked them to take off their shoes and they won't so I went to get shoes covers but one had walked into my bedroom so I was upset and asked them to leave and I shut the door. They tried to break my lock and kept hitting my door so it won't lock so I closed the peephole so they won't look in and later opened my door after they broke my lock and saw people outside my apartment. No one will admit they saw what happened but I noticed there were cameras outside my door so I said well, it was recorded.

In my second dream, I am in my apartment where I currently live and while in the living room, I notice there is a door on the west facing end, on the opposite end of my bedroom. I walk in and discover a new additional bedroom (I live in a one bedroom) and in the dream it was left vacant by a classmate from college who used to live there. I start to think of turning it into a guest bedroom.

In my third dream, my friends are visiting from out of state, a couple and another friend (all childhood friends). So I ask my friend if the couple was staying at my place (they had all visited my home the previous year). I walk towards the door and notice a second hallway by the entrance of my apartment on the east end, same side as my bedroom but the hallway was closer to the door and a different hallway than the one that leads to my room. I walk down and see an additional bedroom and see my friends luggage (the couple) and realized they were staying at my place. 
She was In my kitchen cooking and her husband helping her when a maintenance woman walked in and started to steal the food so I asked her to stop and yelled as she dashed off to the elevator. 
27 days ago
I dreamt i was now married (in real life im not) and i was driving with my husband and we had 2 children and one of them was challenging so we kept switching in turns to drive in an attempt to calm the challenging child we would take turns to sit with the child in the back seat. It seemed the children were twins but the other one was behaving ok. 
30 days ago
I had another dream about my Father.  In reality, he has been deceased for several years but in the dream he was alive.  In my dream he and my Mother had been separated for years and we had not seen him for many years and I was now an adult.   I became very ill and needed life saving surgery that required an organ donation.  None of my other family was a match.  The doctors said my only hope was an organ from my Father.  I told the hospital that I didn't know where he was and that due to his age,he probably wasn't still alive.  The hospital said they would have their people search to find him.  Meanwhile, I was continuing to get sicker and my time was running out.  A nurse came into the room and started prepping me for surgery.  I asked her why, since my Father had not been located.  She said, "You haven't heard. We found your Father and talked to him and he wants to help".  So I asked her to contact my siblings and have them get the funds together to fly him to me as soon as possible.  I said that he probably couldn't afford a last minute ticket.  The nurse said, your Father is wealthy beyond belief and he is on his way now to see you.  
(edited)31 days ago
I would appreciate help with this interpretation. #1 The first dream I was standing with a handsome romantic interest who is a celebrity in real life. We were at a beach and standing, talking and enjoying ourselves. Then my male best friend, who I haven't seen in a year tapped me on my left arm to let me know he was here ( who in real life is currently in another country)  I turned looked at him and gave him a very weak hello barely caring that he was there. Then he walked towards the sea which was surrounded by rocks in a semi-circle and stood with his back facing me. Then I looked out at him and the guy and I walked back to where we were coming from leaving him behind and going back to school
#2 A recurrent dream about a former coworker/friend and the office that we worked at. This friend reminds me of the male best friend in dream 1. 
37 days ago
Can someone please help me interpret this dream?  I really need to understand. Any insight would be helpful.

I had a dream that my young adult daughter and I were attending a funeral.  I am not sure who was dead, but it was very crowded.  A Minister that I barely know got up and offered me his seat.  I refused the seat because I needed a better view to take pictures.  Later, I was in a group therapy session and I friend I had not seen in 15 years saw me through the open door.  I stepped out to greet him and he embraced me for a long time and told me he was sorry about what happened.  I could tell he was sincere and I told him I was coping.  Upon awakening, I was very sad and in a state of panic. My first thought was "he refused to turn".  I immediately felt the overwhelming need to pray for my husband's soul.  I don't know how all of this ties together.  
33 days ago
I am not perfect in decoding dreams but mostly I am! My Name is Kaleb ( India ). I need to know " I could tell he was sincere and I told him I was coping" please describe  it little further! 
Pictures reflect memories & you are trying to take pictures means you knew the person. A Minister who offered you seat stands for God is trying to give you a authority/ may be a leader in church/ Head of the house/ or a new place but you wanted to recall the memories with that person. ( I wish you would have accepted the seat but any way please Pray & Listen to God )
Group therapy shows you are trying to be socialised. But God again offered you another opportunity ( open door ) as an old Friend who hugged you for long! 
I am no one to tell you anything but Bible never says to pray for the dead. Please listen to HIS ( The Lord )  voice ( HE Is Jesus & want to talk to you ). 
I lost one of my brother in road accident & i used to see him in dream returning home & after my dream I used to cry. Later I was told by my Pastor brother that we should not pray for dead because I asked him if I can pray to see my dead brother in heaven. 
He said Bible nowhere says we should pray for Dead. I know its very tough but please remember the Cross & say Thy Will Be Done.
31 days ago
Thank you so much for your reply.  I never thought about my dream in the way you describe but I know what you say is true, it hit home with me.  I believe the person dead represented my husband and I was trying to hold onto the memories of our marriage.  My husband recently told me that he wants a divorce and go live with his affair partner of 15 years.  

As with the group therapy, I was happy and very surprised to see my old friend.  I also felt that my life and emotions had been exposed, so I was reluctant to come out and talk to him.  But I could tell he was genuinely sincere about being sorry and I could feel it from his long embrace.  I also felt that the things in my life that I was trying to keep covered, he was acknowledging that he knew and was sorry about that..

A few days after my dream, my sister had a dream about my husband.  My sister knows nothing about my marital issues and that my husband wants a divorce.  In her dream, she was walking alone either in white snow or white clouds.  As she was walking, she was repeating the phrase over and over again, "God's amazing grace."  My husband walked up behind her and touched her on the shoulder and said, I won't disturb you while you are praising God.  
31 days ago
Hi Kaleb, I hope you are doing well. Maybe you can help me interpret my repetitive dream. I used to live in the uk and whiles I was there, I dreamt several times that I had returned back to my home country in Africa unprepared and things became tough for me. I did not pay attention to this dream. And then later on in that year I decided by myself to return home and do some business but I got to my home country and lo and behold the dream came to pass. I lost all my investments when I got back home and became frustrated. I overstayed my visa in the uk and so obviously it will be very difficult to return there. Now I have dreamt several times that I went back in the uk.this dream keeps repeating itself over and over. Do you think the dream is trying to prompt me that I am going to return to the uk? I am still eligible to apply for a uk visa anyway. I applied to universities in different countries to do my masters and normally these applications are supposed to take atleast 6-8weeks before admissions come out. However because I was dreaming about uk I decided to make one application there and in just 2 days I get an admission offer. Do you think it's just a coincidence with my dream or a sign from God that I should make my visa application to the uk instead of all these other countries I applied to go and study? Thank you. Roby
31 days ago
Could you take a look @ my dream above?
38 days ago
I dreamt I was standing outside my bedroom and was looking through a glass on the wall of my bedroom. A thin, black snake was rapidly moving up and down the brick wall opposite the glass wall. I was wondering what to do and talked to a lady beside me. She talked to the lady beside her and said to me it was prophesied that that would happen and it was a sign I was moving into Lazarus ministry.
I then woke up. I would like to know what that means. Thanks
27 days ago
I dont know much about dreams but it seems like a warning. Pray about it if its the enemy pray that whatever it is, if its bad may God fight for you. 
26 days ago
BernardMelissa Cox
I interpret the Lazarus ministry as you will be raising people from the dead like Jesus rose Lazarus from the dead. I believe this could be your gift of the spirit. Jesus stated we have the Dunamis Power (The resurrection power) the same power that rose Jesus from the dead. Jesus stated we have the same power he had to cast out demons raise the dead and heal the sick.  The black snake represented satan and he was not able to harm you because of God's protection because of the glass wall which to me represents God's Armour of Protection. The lady that prophesied to you was telling you what God is calling you to do.  Pray on it and God will reveal to you if this is what your gift is. 
42 days ago
Marilyn Raymond
I am reposting this here in hopes that someone can interpret it for me. Two weeks ago I had a very vivid and troubling dream that woke me up at 2 in the morning and I couldn't get back to sleep. I dreamed that I was standing in a room, or small outside area with a dense fog. The light was early morning, possibly. I couldn't see anything around me because of the fog but it was all gray. Ashes were falling from the sky like snow. I saw part of a man’s face, his brown hair was overgrown and disheveled. I could not see his eyes as they were covered by the fog and his body was covered by the fog too. His mouth was the only thing I could see clearly,  
smiling at me, almost exaggerated. I felt uneasy and fearful  because I couldn’t see his eyes. I could feel the ashes falling on my head and piling up. As I reached up to brush the ashes off of my head I woke up. I felt so uneasy after I woke up and I  couldn’t get back to sleep. I can still recall this dream vividly and it bothers me that I don't know what it means. I have had dreams about/for other people and known exactly what they meant, but it seems that I have great difficulty understanding dreams for myself. Can someone help me figure this out? Thanks. 
(edited)33 days ago
Its just my knowledge what I understand is that is a fear of death! Please tell me what you have started new in your life ? 
You need to understand that spend more time in Prayer with your family & pray for all. 
Are you married? 
Also it just a fear & you should not get scared because devil CANT do anything but scare. 
Are you in tension thesedays ? Small room represent your own area which you have surrounded yourself/ a tenseed mind/ thought in your mind/ company of someone. You need to be socialised but with family & good company where you can pray together. 
Please do not be in a bad company ! Speak to Christ, HE holds the future & more than anything HE loves you. 
45 days ago
Can someone help me with my dream?
I was not my self in this dream I was a middle aged man (in real life I'm a 19y/o girl) any way I had a dream about being around an old castle but it was weird because it was in the middle of town and it was a place that held a lot of brutal murders in the past due to demons and I could see back in time the horrifying demon and the blood dripping everywhere so I had a friend take me into part of the basement where the bruital murders happened and she was messing with me saying see there's nothing scary down here then she laughed and turned off the light and then the demon attacked her and she was screaming a horrifying type of scream and in this basement there was a small/medium sized door to the out side and it had a window so when everything went black I ran out the door (which took probably a minute) because I could see the bright light outside shining through, and when I got through the door I got in my truck or car and started driving away and then I woke up in terror. Please help :(
(edited)46 days ago
Can someone please interpret my dream .  I have a repetitive dream that I am in school and that I then realize that I've missed a class for a while or semester and that now I'm going to flunk.  I wasn't aware of the class until that moment in the dream.   In one of the dreams it was a science class and in another dream I saw an old high school friend. Thank you, what is God trying to tell me???  In my life right now I am no longer a student, adult stay at home mom. 
(edited)46 days ago
School is any institution which is instruction is given in a particular discipline. Science is the systematic study & structure of the physical & natural world through observation and experiment. So from those two definitions, I would think God is wanting to take you into a discipline or discipleship that you are currently missing. I would engage the Lord, and ask Him to clearly show you what you are missing. To open the eyes of your understanding, that you may know the hope of His calling. You may already have an idea of a direction God is wanting to take you in, but you just haven't taken those steps. The reoccurring dream: Scripture says that a word is given once, but twice is to establish a matter. So basically if you don't understand the first dream, then he will give it again, until you do understand it. Scripture also says that God gives a dream & seals it, but it's the heart of King to search out the matter (paraphrasing). So really seek Him on this. Find scriptures on school or discipleship. Also the friend in the dream, how do you feel about them? Is there a wound there? Or did you offend them? God may want you to forgive them, or repent for offending them. I'm not saying this is the case, just trying to jog your memory. Also what is the meaning of their name? It may not be about them at all. It could be what they represent. For example: say your talking to a girl named Alice & she is giving you instructions. Alice means truth, so that would mean truth is giving you instruction, or you are getting sound instruction. Anyhow, sorry this post is so long, hopefully it helps. Blessings!
31 days ago
Could you help with my dream? It's posted above
48 days ago
So about 8 months ago I was having frequent dreams that I was pregnant and in labor and stressed. After talking to my sister this evening she mentioned she has had 3 dreams that I was unwed and pregnant. In my personal life the past 8 months has been marked by loss and I'm getting ready to embark on life changes.  I've also had some dreams in my heart that I've prayed and wept about and I here God saying to wait. So I don't know if that has anything to do? Any thoughts or interpretations? Thanks God bless
42 days ago
Kathryn Smith
Pregnancy dreams are not usually about your physical body - they are about ministries being birthed. If you are at a point that there are many life changes coming... this fits perfectly. The things that He has for your life are going to come forth. Trust in Him... He made you and has great plans for your life. He will be with you every step of the way. Change can be very unsettling and sometimes we can be fearful about them... but He holds the key to eternity and no matter what happens, He is in control. Nothing will be wasted - all things will work for your good. Romans 8:28
31 days ago
Can you take a look @ my dream above?
54 days ago
I had a dream that I was walking and I  asked my Ex husband for a ride he appeared to be a little man (I could barely see him) and he  was driving this huge truck, and he told me no he did not have enough room so I continued walking  A man from my church pulled up beside me and asked if I needed a ride he appeared to be a huge man in a little bitty truck, I told him that he did not have enough room in his small truck for me, he stated the he would make room so I got in and when I got in the truck got bigger, we continued driving and picked up my daughter and the truck got even bigger we continue driving and picked up my son and the truck got even bigger we continued driving until we reached our church and we all got out and went inside. can someone tell me what this dream means. 
(edited)46 days ago
Ok so the first man (tiny), in the big truck sounds like he has his priorities out of order. Sounds like he's tiny, which represents his spirit man. He had the abundance of room in the vehicle, but refused to help you. I get a sense of selfishness. Also got the feeling he thinks highly of himself. The other man (big), in the tiny truck represents his spirit man. He must be close to the Lord (what it sounds like anyway). Also he was willing to help you & your family. The truck expanding reminds me of Isaiah 54. It tells the barren wife to lengthen her cords to her tent, to strengthen her stakes for more are the children of the desolate, than the children of the married wife. Or the fish & bread that fed the 5,000. There was but so little, yet God made provision enough for everyone. So from what it sounds like in your dream, provision is coming, & he may use that man to bring it, or the man may represents Christ. Anyway, the beginning of the dream sounded rocky, but the ending is great & you ended up at the house of the Lord! Read the entire chapter of Isaiah 54. It also says that your children will be taught by the Lord Himself. So if there is any concerns about your children, God is telling you, they're gonna be just fine. Hope this helps, Blessings! P.S. Something just came to me, if you haven't forgiven your ex-husband already, I feel like the Lord wants you to forgive him anew. Forgive him for not helping you, forgive him for not providing as he should, & forgive him for malice...malice came to mind, & I don't know you or your situation, so please forgive me if I speak out of turn, but that is what came to my mind. Look up the word malice too. If you don't bare witness with that, just throw it out. Cause sometimes I do miss it.
31 days ago
Vanessa Greene
Can you tell me what a mouse, a cat and a dog mean in dreams.

56 days ago
I had a stroke last year march 9days after giving birth.  Ever since i have been have kind of sleep paralysis. But they happen mostly when i have prayed. So today i was reading abot healing and after that i prayed and asked God to take lead into my life. From there i see my self driving in the car with my friend. Remember i cant drive sibce my stroke. As we are driving i see this little girl wearing a red wooded court running around very happy along the road side not far from my house and my previous work place. I decide to do a point turn to go back and help the little girl. When we approach her, she looks angry to see me but her face is not clear. I cant make out her face. All of a sudden i go into sleep paralysis. I start praying again forgeting about the little girl coz im scared i cant move my whole body now. I was saying i rebuke this spirit holding me down.  My husband heard me and shook me. He thinks i was asleep but i was not. I felt and heard him move. I wonder if this vision has got meaning to it. I just wish i had time in my vision to see the little gal. The previous 2 episodes of sleep paralysis i had a shadow sitting on me and strungling my neck  
61 days ago
Marcus Bailey
I had a dream today. Is their anyone on here with the gift of dream interpretation?
46 days ago
If you don't mind sharing, I will see what the Lord gives me. 
63 days ago
I posted my dreams, but just in case it didn't show because I registered after . I will type them again here to see if someone can interpret them for me please. Ok So last year I had 2 dreams one after another. and the same dream repeated itself  recently in January at the beginning of the year 2017..
Here is my dreams: I was at a beach..not sure which one or which place. I was staring at the sky when all of the sudden an image was hoovering right in front of me in the sea. The image was of the Globe and it was made of water a round water Globe. the size of let's say an air balloon. And then all of the sudden I felt something unkown pull me with force into a cave (still  on the beach) and the cave I saw it was sealed with a round large stone. Ten the image popped I could hear as if it popped. When I started to hear people screaming  and all over the place. I was sad and scared inside but because I didn't know what what happening.I heard people scream its a Tsunami. Then the dream stopped and immediately after that dream right after I had the same dream this time the image of the Globe made of water was 5 times larger. and exactly as the first dream the second happened... I woke up not so scared more worried as in super worried. (So clue words here are: Water/Globe/beach/round stone/cave/saved)... due to the fact that I was saved if not I too would have drowned.. Please help me interpret this dream.

Dream #2 
This dream I had few days ago.

I was in a church or what it looked like a Victorian style church with dark chandeliers and torches ect....
and a beautiful young woman was speaking to many men...All of the men were in like their  late 40's
or 50's no young men at all and no other woman just that one...she was dressed in like military slash Victorian style clothing colors Black and Red...Some type of Large buttons on her clothing. Her hair was shoulder lenght and of as smooth as porcelain and she was speaking in spanish I could understand  because I am spanish ...The men where wearing all black uniform type Victorian style no buttons but they were wearing long capes and heads covered with hoods...the meeting or what it seemed like was in a circle form standing....they were as if getting ready for something Big but needed the approval first of what was mentioned PROPIETARIOS... I was told it meant I looked this word that not even in spanish I ever heard and it transelated as (Owners)...and when I turned to look they were two large light red gargoyles...they looked as the skin of those cats that have no hair....and had small horns red their skin was light very light red not dark... and they were squatting down both over 7 feet I would assume....they weren't moving....The dream didn't bring me fear what so ever just again worry....I'm sorry if my spelling isn't good enough... Forgive me to whom this may concerns please.... help interpret this dream as well....Thank you! Adora
55 days ago
Gypsy Smith
Hi, I am certainly not an expert but I believe God is speaking prophetically to you through these dreams. I believe you are called as an intercessor to pray over things before they happen. The second dream really stood out to me about praying against Witchcraft. I believe she represents a jezebel spirit and she is giving order to her cronies. The church could be symbolic of your actual church if you attend one. Which would make me feel as if you have something going on in your church and things are brewing in the spirit. But not certain. Either way, I stand firm on the fact that you are called as an intercessor to pray ahead of time. You need to if you do not already start keeping a journal of all your dreams. Sometimes we can get dreams in pieces, so it is important to write them down. Hope this helped some. Blessings.

31 days ago
Could you take a look at my dream above please? 
46 days ago
Both dreams are end time event dreams, the first one is concerning calamity coming. You being in the cleft of the rock I believe is God showing you he makes a way of escape for His people. Psalm 91 comes to mind. Also the ocean/sea can represent people, pray that the people are ready & right with the Lord. Definitely an urgency to pray. The 2nd dream I agree with Gypsy, when you described the woman, I immediately thought Jezebel, in Revelation. The church was a counterfeit church (may have even been a church of Satan from your discription). She was giving strategic orders...Sounded like they were getting ready to dispatch the gargoyles(I think they represents demonic Kings), probably demonic activity over a specific regions. Also the circle formation is used alot in occultic activity. The lady's buttons makes me think she was high ranking, & the men in black were more her subordinates. I don't have the full interpretation to the dream, other than this is a call to intercession for sure.
85 days ago
Sam Assumi
On the night of  6 April, 2017, I had a dream in which it was said that the Lord's day is to take place. As I was looking up in the sky, so many scriptures were shown to me. Yet I could hardly remember one - Luke: 20: 17 & 18. Can anyone interpret it? Thanking you!
96 days ago
my best friend told me disturbing dream that she saw about me and my husband. she told me that I was like in lake and screaming to my husband not to enter to the lake that he will make z lake and me dirty. in her dreams my husband was wearing mechanics uniform( cloth)  ( car mechanics) which is so dirty. what would be? could some one help me interpreting. God bless!
69 days ago
Coire Porter
Do you have issues with intimacy? You are afraid he will damage your spiritual walk?
97 days ago
about 15 years ago, I was praying a lot for my marriage and husband because my sister had mentioned to me that per her tarot reading, we were not going to make it. I have never done that myself and refuse to get a reading because it scares me and I know how much God does not like that. Unfortunately my sister gets a reading  every 3 to 6 months but she is not allowed to talk about it with me. During the time where I prayed non stop for several months, I had a dream that I was walking in to a big church, it look like a cathedral. Everything looked silver and white, there was white and bright light coming from every direction and I could berly open my eyes. The benches were white so I decided to sit on one while I was admiring the beauty of the church. Suddenly I feel someone touching my knee so I turned and I saw Jesus seating next to me and all he said was "would you stop worrying?" Then I looked past him and I saw my husband seating next to him. Jesus was seating between us in the middle. For me this was God telling me to ignore my sisters comments. We are still married but resently our relationship was tested, we are both committed and God is still very much part of my life and I started to pray a lot again for our marriage and my husband started to pray and got closer to God again. and the dream keeps coming back to my mind. Is this God's way of talking to us again? I never had a dream with Jesus again since that one. 
69 days ago
Coire Porter
Keep Jesus in the middle. When you talk to your husband, you are also talking to Jesus first.
106 days ago
I keep having a dream over and over all I can remember every time is the sun is straight up in the sky like 12:00 on a clock and the moon is full and right next to it at the 11:00 position.
107 days ago
Two nights ago, I dreamt I was in a hotel lobby/restaurant area of some sort. It was early evening. I felt anxious and panicky. I was alone and I looked down at the floor and saw a man face down in a pool of blood. Then I noticed a woman, dressed in white button down, jeans, and sandals, standing behind in the shadows and she came out with a knife in her hand. I felt terrified and ran towards a bathroom where I kicked down a window and tumbled out into the backyard of some small home in a suburban neighborhood. I climbed over the chicken wire fence and onto the street. When I looked behind me, she was walking towards me and I knew I had to run. I turned a corner and ended up in a small nicely landscaped park of some sort and saw her standing a little ways away. Scared, I kept running and ended up at the top of a hill but this top had a smooth concrete surface- like the welcome area of a state park or something. There was a huge snack bar on the side and a lot of people walking around. The sky was overcast and bright. The side of the hill/cliff had waterslides/tunnels built into it and there were people all over the hillside, in chairs, on blankets enjoying their day. The whole time I was running from this unknown woman I knew I had to find my boyfriend and I did. I ran into him while trying to get lost in the crowd. He grabbed my hand and told me we had to find 'him' because 'he' would know what to do. He led me to a tall, white-haired, bearded older gentleman and I felt relief. He didn't say anything but in that moment I got distracted because I knew that I had a group of friends nearby who were hanging out just outside, right on the other side of the snack bar. I had the urge to go join them and hang out. I looked at my bf and told him that I was going with my friends. I asked him to make sure he came back for me. He said that he would come back but he had to go and find her first (the woman with the knife). I knew he was going to try to stop her. I walked over to my friends, still nervous, and sat on the low concrete wall. I kept looking around, fidgety. We were in some open kitchen type room. I looked at my feet dangling and when I looked up, I saw her staring at me right on the other side of the circle of friends. She was wearing armor of a knight- helmet included. No one else seemed to notice her. That's when I woke up suddenly. I was very scared and anxious and had a hard time falling back asleep.

Aside from my bf, I didn't recognize anyone else in the dream. In the circle of friends, I don't remember actually listening to the conversation taking place. The colors were quite muted (light blues, grays) throughout except in the beginning- the walls were red/orange, the grass in the park, and the clothes my bf was wearing were all very vivid. I felt scared and anxious the entire time. Can anyone interpret that???   
(edited)107 days ago
I dreamt my mother and I were in a foreign European country;most probably Italy or Spain because of the tropical weather & building architecture.
We then sought to book a room in a hotel that we later findfor some unknown reason upon entering that it is diagonally designed. The rooms are slanted sideways and not constructed upright. I had to either climb up or crawl up to get anywhere in the building although it did not seem the case for others including my mom. At some point I climb up in what looked like a dangerous and very narrow room that looked like a tower to get to either a toilet or bathroom upstairs close to the roof.
I climb up by stepping on some shelves and small window seats going all the way down.
Somehow I am not gravely terrified that I may fall. Next thing I know my mother or someone I know calls me anxiously to let me know about breakfast being served to which I do not respond to promptly.

Eventually after couple of calls my mom shouts from the bottom to get down and have my breakfast. The staff manager (as he was not wearing a uniform) enquired about what I particularly wanted for breakfast. Finally I do someway get down safely and head straight tothe kitchen and find they have not provided pretty much what I liked and werealso unable to provide my preference
As a result, I am unimpressed or get rather angry but I donot act irrational as I am immediately distracted with a horde of people coming into the restaurant/hotel through the entrance hurriedly.
Harriet (my friend) out of nowhere squeals and hides herself behind the entrance door to which the staff manager points out laughing.
When I turn around to investigate what caused it, a rerun ofthe event is played in slow motion in my mind where a cat dashes in the midstof the crowd heading inside the entrance and Harriet was terrified.

On walking/looking outside the entrance I see a bunch ofAfrican school girls (only) in their uniforms. The school girls at first glancethrow their books up in the air also startled by the cat as well as Harriet’snoise.
However at second they seem to repeat this scenariocontinuously.  They re-act this picture of throwing their books in the airover and over again but this time in slow motion (I think).
Eventually it daunts on me that there actions areintentional; throwing books in the air repeatedly also making animatedly noises. Someone please help interpret.
121 days ago
Terri Jones
My daughter had a dream right after I moved into my new apartment. I had left my husband and got into my new apartment with my daughter's help. She dreamed that  she came over to visit , and when she walked in she looked up and saw a crack in the ceiling. Then she overheard several people talking in another room. She knew they were from my church. She heard one of them say that my husband had been in the apartment. She was so livid that she went and got a large garbage bag and started filling it up with all the wonderful things she had bought me. She was taking it all back. As she was leaving the apartment she looked up and the whole ceiling busted wide open and water started gushing through it. We want to know what this means. She has never had a prophetic dream before, but if you knew my past with my husband, you would understand it not to be surprising. We are both daughter's of the King of Kings. And this dream has a prophetic meaning. Can anyone interpret it?
109 days ago
I can help you. I have a degree in the prophetics ministry from christian leadership university.   What is the key action and emotion in your dream?  Compare them to your key real life action and emotions during the time before the dream. Does the dream give you a promise, gift or teaching?
102 days ago
Terri Jones
Actually, when I told my daughter that I sent this to you, she corrected me. She said that water did not come gushing from the ceiling. It simply came crashing down. Her emotion was anger. You see, I have been married to an alcoholic for 20 years. Because of situations in his life with a rebellious stepson and others, he gets extremely angry and verbally abusive toward me. I have left and came back hundreds of times. He is now almost in poverty and reduced to a travel trailer and just got off a 4 year probation for alcohol. He still drinks. I couldn't take it anymore and moved out. My daughter helped me get out and on my feet into a beautiful apartment. I have a steady , wonderful job of 17 years. I now have peace. She believes that if he ever comes into my home, it would be disastrous. Being married to him, I have had numerous recorded snake dreams in the past. And 2 dreams in one night of twin baby boys. I never knew what it meant. Could I send you the dreams to interpret?
122 days ago
Dee Ola
I would like someone with the gift of interpreting dreams to assist. Early in January, my then boyfriend started acting strange, and eventually told me that he had two dreams in which I was in and he was in doubts of the relationship because he felt God was speaking to him about the relationship through the dreams. In the first one, he said we were in an uncompleted building and we were arguing and the argument went in for a while and annoyingly he pushed me off like a 2 storey building and he woke up immediately, the next night the second dream was that we were in a house with friends around and the police came to arrest him for an offense and I was telling them to take him away. According to him he usually don't remember his dreams but he remembers these ones because he woke up with fear. Although we broke up, I can't seem to get my mind off the incidence as I know dreams could be from God or also the devil. I have been asking God to speak to me and give me peace concerning the issue as we had an amazing relationship prior to the dreams, and we were really compatible. It seemed like he didn't want to end the relationship but he said he had not had peace since he had those dreams. P.s: we dated for about 15 months 
109 days ago
I can help you. I have a degree in the prophetics ministry from christian leadership university.   What is the key action and emotion in your dream?  Compare them to your key real life action and emotions during the time before the dream. Does the dream give you a promise, gift or teaching?  
109 days ago
Akinseloyin Taiwo
Hi Dee Ola, 
Is your boyfriend a sound christian? Do you trust the source of the dreams he had? There are few lessons in the dream. It appears you guys being together will make both of you exposed to enemy attack as signified by the uncompleted building. Being with this guy will lead to strife that will eventually tear both of you apart. It may get so bad that you will be the one to ask for help for him to be able to get away from you. Yes, you may be compatible physically and romantically but you should take time to pray and ask God for confirmation about him and also for God to reveal what you don't know about both of you. Now, if he isn't a child of God and he isn't totally committed to you, yes the enemy can caused him to dream about dropping you. Thats another thing. Overall, pray for your marital life, if he isn't for you, ask God for your perfect man. God bless you. 
123 days ago
In my dream I saw so many people from my high-school .others from church  then I saw my dead grand mother .then a small chicken that I smashed with my feet by accident and was scared that I killed it when I woke up
109 days ago
Animals usually represent emotions.
123 days ago
I dreamt so much last night but among all the most disturbing is that I stepped on a young chicken /chick and it died and was smashed .

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