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Saturday 8 July 2017

Meaning of Numbers 1 - 100 In the Bible and Dreams

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          Meaning of Numbers 1 - 100

In the Bible and Dreams

| Basic Number Meanings | Also See Common Dreams & Symbols |

 1 - Unity, sovereignty, whole
 2 - Division
 3 - Trinity
 4 - Weakness
 5 - Grace; giant
 6 - Man
 7 - Complete Category
 8 - New Birth
 9 - Plagues
10 - Laws of Establishment
11 - True Witness
12 - Authority
13 - Double Blessing
14 - Passover
15 - Cover
16 - Experiential Sanctification
17 - Lawlessness
18 - Pillar
19 - King, Royal/Federal Government
20 - Going Out and Coming In; 
        military; generation
21 - Providential Preventative Suffering
22 - Cursing
23 - Cursing turned to blessing; 
        Spiritual uptrend
24 - Elders of Israel; Strategy
25 - Sovereignty of God
26 - Political Babylon, Politician
27 - Horn
28 - Fortress, stronghold
29 - Victory over Edom
       (Laws of Establishment Victory)
30 - Priest
31 - Evil King, Archon
32 - Conspiracy
33 - Purification of the Holy Spirit
34 - Division
35 - Rest from Enemies
36 - Ai; shooting yourself in the foot
37 - Warrior; mighty warrior
38 - Death in the Wilderness
39 - Sin unto Death
40 - Maximum Divine Discipline
41 - Happiness
42 - Bear, Baal, Russia
43 - Fulfill; complete
44 - Suffering
45 - Victory over the Stronghold
46 - Pregnancy
47 - Peace
48 - Inheritance of the Levites
49 - Length of time before 50,
        i.e. Pentecost or the Church
50 - Church
51 - Arrogance
52 - Wall
53 - Large fish; ship
54 - Redemption
55 - Grace Blessing
56 - Dropping of dung or soldiers
        in the field
57 - Zebulun
58 - Levite
59 - Simeon; criminality
60 - Worldly production
61 - Income tax
62 - The end
63 - Outcast
64 - Weakness, hirelings, slave labor
65 - Going down; Reversionism
66 - Worldliness
67 - Giving (of worldly possessions)
68 - Serving in Edom
69 - Running the course
70 - Elder; pastor-teacher
71 - Strait
72 - Gatekeeper; guard; security
73 - Freedom
74 - Spiritual Freedom
75 - Sovereignty
76 - Skill
77 - Reverse Process Reversionism
78 - Sexual abuse
79 - No scripture reference
      (Hardness of Heart)
80 - Strength
81 - Grace Counterattack
82 - Breakpoint; break with the past
83 - Levitical Priest; High Priest
84 - Weakness of the Church.
85 - Eye (Spy)
86 - Legalistic Persecution by
       son of the Bondwoman
87 - Donkey, Mule - 
        transportation system
88 - Blessing
89 - Without Divine Authority
90 - Election, new order
91 - Emergency; coup de grace
92 - Servant; homeborn slave
93 - Guilt
94 - Footstool
95 - Hero
96 - Spoils of Victory; Benjamin
97 - Reduction in Force (RIF)
98 - Ichabod (the Glory has departed)
99 - Challenger (almost but not quite)
100 - Maximum Divine Good Production

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