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Friday 8 November 2019



The Voiceless Realm...
Secrets of our Heroes past of Faith.
This is another profound dimension of Prayer.
In our last teaching on the "Mystery of the Night" myriad of questions were asked especially catechize like "What does it mean to have a quiet Time"
A man who desires to have access to mysteries of the Kingdom must be a man who understands the Voiceless dimension of Prayer (quiet time)...
"Tremble and do not sin; Meditate in your heart upon your bed and be still" — Ps 4:4 (in this teaching we would be looking into some scripture, pls also endeavor to meditate on those scriptures).
It will be very difficult to engage in this voiceless realm if you're still ignorant of the ministry of the Holy Spirit or yet to receive him...
This another realm entirely, the realm of communion and fellowship.
Prayer will always be difficult if you're the only one Speaking.
This dimension of prayer is When the deep calls to the deep,
"O my God, my soul is in despair within me [the burden more than I can bear];
Therefore I will [fervently] remember You from the land of the Jordan
And the peaks of [Mount] Hermon, from Mount Mizar.
Deep calls to deep at the [thundering] sound of Your waterfalls;
All Your breakers and Your waves have rolled over me.
Yet the LORD will command His loving kindness in the daytime,
And in the night His song will be with me,A prayer of God of my life"-Ps 47:6-8
A moment when you communicate with the Holy spirit, He speaks to you and you respond...
Quiet time doesn't negate prayer, Its prayer! But its another dimension of Prayer, a prayer from your Spirit man to The God of the secret... This is what is called PRAYING IN THE SPIRIT... The best way to practice the presence of the Holy Spirit.
To ascend profoundly to this realm with accuracy you must learn to understand The concept of a Clean and pure heart... "Who may ascend onto the mountain of the LORD? And who may stand in His holy place?"He who has clean hands and a pure heart, Who has not lifted up his soul to what is false, Nor has sworn [oaths] deceitfully." — Ps 24:3&4...
Only a man with a good heart condition can gain access into the Corridor of Gods chamber. That's why before you subscribe into this Realm you need Deep Worships (to Soften, Align your heart to his Will) Songs Spiritual discerned and line up systematically in a way that the more the songs switches to another the deep it becomes... You can set up a playlist filled with Spiritual songs so as at the middle of the Ascension you won't start selecting the songs to play next.
Then deep inside you wait genuinely, don't Pray in your heart now just Long for him and wait patiently and be still "Be still before the LORD; wait patiently for Him and entrust yourself to Him; Do not fret" — Ps 37:7a (with the Spiritual songs or chant playing in the background)
During those moments of waiting let your spiritual sense be activated, At this point just sniff his presence in...Kai, Gently begin to confess your love to him genuinely before this make sure your Heart is light(without worry or Pain)...
If well engaged you'll begin to feel a kind of Warmness, peace and His glorious presence at times it might come inform or electricity, Fire in your bone, Uncontrollable Tongues or a lightning or A touch.Don't be too excited or carried away with his lovely presence to the extent you won't be able to discern when he comes or start speaking...
Immediately he comes He becomes in charge of your prayer, at that point he decides your fate during the prayer section, he becomes or decides the order of your prayers, He might atimes ask you not to speak, you should knee or not, most times he might ask you to Turn the music off or Either to increase or decrease the volume of the sound. (He's not a man of Tradition or doctrine, He operates in diverse manner)Then from there, a times (through his leading) he takes you on a journey, Mysteries unraveled, to most people you'll be opened to visions of the night or revelations... To some he speaks directly to their heart.
All his ways of manifestation or means of revealing are right, good and worthy to be appreciated, Never neglect his personal ways of unveiling to you desiring another because you feel its more nice and sound.His ways are perfect.
At first nothing might show up but if engaged consistently, He'll surely initiate you to a higher frequency, The more you continue, the more he takes you deeper...
 #Born to flames
#rasing custodians of revival

Deeper realm Lord!
Jude-Jude Udoh.

Friday 18 October 2019


Mystery of The Night Part 1
Look at any great man both in the Demonic sphere and In Gods System you'll find out just one Major display of Deeds common in them all which is the act Of ascending into realms at night...
An average Christian has been taught to Pray in midnight that it helps in fighting demonic programming (which is true) but has not been taught Night are moment of deep engagement and Access to kingdom Truths and also Time when portals are opened...
You know We Christian we can pray, Kai but Intense fellowship at night is something we don't understand or engage ourselves to...
Its so painful that the people of the world understand this Mystery that we're ignorant of. Mystery of Purity, abstinence, Intense fellowship or quiet time.
Have you seen the portrait of a cultist when he/she is about to ascend to there demonic kingdom?
They lay down or atimes sit with the legs cross to their laps and at that moment they rather remain quite or Say some incantations... Now that's their method of ascension.
But tell a average Christian to either lay down or knee or sit or any posture and have a quite time with God,(not prayer this time, i mean deep Koininia, Fellowship, Quit time. Pls don't tell me you don't understand the word Quit time, if you don't its another theory you need to understand as a Christian ) give him/her 10mins and see the Spirit of sleep partnering with the person...
Men of influence reign by engaging in The mystery called "quite time" especially at night...
Luke 6:12
It was at this time that He went off to the mountain to pray, and He spent the whole night in prayer to God.
During does moment of quite time, The first realm you're opened to is the corridor of Gods presence at this point the glory radiating from his Kingdom breaks you, In this realm you see how limited you're without God, at this stage or moment your Spirit is initiated to the point of genuine Brokenness, most times people can't stand the glory coming out from the throne room (that's why you see most people cry and weep like a child and some feel electricity running through their body)
In the second stage of this quite time you're brought into the realm of deep mysteries and revelations (to some at this realm they travel, I mean their spirit initially leaves their body) Mysteries will begin to unfold, at this realm you doesn't have the ability to peep into any mystery all by yourself, This is a realm is where only that which your Spirit can comprehend or receive is unleashed to you... At this level God gives you only that which your spirit can handle so you won't dive into error.
(An Average believer is still ignorant of this Mystery. How then can we to operate with ease in this earth realm)
Then the third Phase you're introduced to his The Holies of Holies, The throne room itself... At this stage only few has manifested or walked in this realm continuously. Throughout scripture we can only see Men like Moses, Ezekiel, Daniel, Peter and some few others that witnessed this realm and this same men died with so many mysteries because they were not permitted to share or release those deep revelations... So many can't withstand the revelation or Beings they see in this realm so because of There inability to Comprehend or withstand the Glory radiating from the Throne they immediately disconnect from this realm.
In this realm you can peep into Gods Calendar or agenda but will be restricted at times not to Disclose those mysteries.
Now men like Daniel was able to understand and interpret the kings dream because he was able to Peep into the Current trend in the mind of God, And anyone operating in this realm has the spiritual ability to know anything, anytime.
What Daniel did was just to Engage in this Mystery and during those moments the mystery was opened to him in the Visions of Night.Daniel 2 vs 19 And study that passage carefully it was after the mystery was released he Prayed and praised God...
Any man who operates in the prophetic accurately is a man who has gotten the capacity to travel consistently into this Third Realm.
Any man who operate in this realm consistently automatically becomes Gods responsibility, That was why Jesus was able to sleep comfortably during the storming sea... He knew He was already Gods responsibility and this kind of men Can tap into resources of the kingdom with ease...
That was why The lion was unable to Touch Daniel.
This men were custodians of Mysteries...
Angels were able to prepare Apostle Babalola meal because it was already Gods Responsibility to take care of him, feed him and protect him... So this men can't die easily they die only when they either give up living or God demands for their Spirit to protect them from Failing, because if tbbhis men fail with those mysteries they already know they can use it to create alot of demonic theories...
You now know why God hid the corpse of Moses himself till now...
Kai... I don't wanna go deep.
Moses was a man who operated in a very high frequency in the realm of the Spirit, he stayed in the throne room until his face starts radiating the light coming directly from God's Presence... And you expect God should Leave his corpse? With the amount of mysteries coded in his Spirit, Soul and body?
Kai common.
I don't want this teachings to be too long so we can be able to read it over and over again.
Remember the lifestyle of Jesus. He was a man of the Night, Just tell me what he was praying for, for over 3hours.
Prayer is not Hard. Don't let men make you believe its hard, 70% of Christian don't really understand or have not gotten to the realm were prayer becomes a lifestyle.
Have you experienced the Holy Spirit praying in you... No, Not you speaking out loud in tongues. I mean Holy Ghost himself Praying in you, with his own intones ...
Kai, You see we don't understand this... I promise you if we operate in this mystery we'll stop faking prayers or Praying and checking Time...
There are still so many mysteries we need know to have dominion, if God allows me to share so other mysteries then I will...
Mysteries like Genuine Brokenness, Mystery of the god kind Nature, Mystery of Complete and total surrender, Mystery of Prayer and complete obedience and so on.
This is not all to this concept, let tag this The Mystery of Night part one...
Mysteries are caught during quite times and not taught.
Mysteries becomes effective when thoroughly understood and Engaged with understanding.
God pls open our Eyes...


Sunday 17 February 2019

Unlimited: The Risky Business of the Gospel

Unlimited: The Risky Business of the Gospel

Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me (Matthew 10:37, NIV). 
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I’d probably be right in saying that everyone who follows Jesus, does it so they can gain, and not lose. The secular “business” of the gospel has made some people very wealthy, but God continually warns us that to gain eternal life, we must be willing to risk, and even lose, everything else (Matthew 10:38–39, NIV). 
The apostle Paul tells us that the degree to which you know God is limited by the degree you’re willing to risk for him (Philippians 3:7–10). Those who are willing to risk much for their Saviour will drink deeply from the life-giving waters that springs from his heart. You have to be willing to let go of everything that is selfish and material in order to understand God and gain eternity. 
The call of Christ is “follow me.” Read Philippians 2:5–11 and be reminded of how much Jesus risked for love.  
The best kind of risk is when you know that you are perfectly safe. It’s only when you have understood the gospel that you’ll be able to risk everything for the sake of Jesus. 
If you really want to know God, then you need to risk for him; otherwise, you’re just a bystander in the Kingdom. Following Jesus isn’t a spectator sport; it’s risky business. – Eliezer Gonzalez 
Eli’s Reflection: When we look at Jesus and the twelve disciples, we see that he was always calling them to risk more for his sake. What have you risked for God? Find a quiet space and ask God what you need to risk for him? What are the areas in your life in which you need to grow?  How are you perfectly safe in Him?


Image result for YOU CAN CHOOSE FAITH OR YOU CAN CHOOSE FEAR.God has not given us a spirit of fear, but love, power and a sound mind.

—2 Timothy 1:7

There are so many kinds of fears. In fact, there are 530 documented fears and phobias. 6.4 million people in America have actually been diagnosed with some kind of disorder in their personality because of fear.

Some are kind of fun. I mean there’s the fear of heights, that’s not so much fun if it happens to you. There’s the fear of flying. There is the fear of tight places; that’s claustrophobia. Agoraphobia is the fear of open spaces. There are people who have a problem getting in a big room when there are so many people around.

These are some common phobias, but there are also the destructive and negative fears that rob us of peace and joy, paralyzes us, petrifies us from moving forward with our lives. If you live with fears of various kinds, it will hold you back from becoming the person that God has called you to be.

The one thing that you can do to overcome your fears is to live in victory in your life. You can be free from fear and live with a courageous and confident faith in a God you can trust. And one of the great benefits and blessings of being a Christian, a child of God, is that we can live free from fear.

Wednesday 26 September 2018

Our eternal security is not in getting to heaven; it’s getting heaven in our hearts.

Our eternal security is not in getting to heaven; it’s getting heaven in our hearts.

“I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand.”
—John 10:28

How much sin does it take to sin away your salvation? Ten sins? Twenty sins? Fifty? One hundred? Or you might ask, “What kind of sins sin away your salvation?” Big sins? Little sins? How much sin sins away salvation?

The Bible says by the blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, we are forgiven of all our sin. Every sin. Past sin, present sin, and future sin. The blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, cleanses us from all sin! The perfect, complete sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ assures us that we belong to Him because of His perfect work at the cross.

If it were possible for you to lose your salvation, then it means that Jesus Himself would have to go back to the cross and die all over again for your sins.
God’s not going to let go of you. You belong to Him. Count on it. We are eternally, forever secure. Not because of what we have done or because of what we are doing, but because of what He has done and continues to do until we stand in His presence complete.

Enjoy your salvation and relax in the eternal security that we have in Jesus Christ. This ought to prompt us to love Him more and to serve Him better.

Our eternal security is not in getting to heaven; it’s getting heaven in our hearts.

Hear and See into the Spiritual Realm

How to Sense, Discern, and Battle in the Spiritual Realm

For many Believers, operating in the gifts of the Spirit has become a normal way of life. But there is one often-overlooked, often-misunderstood gift crucial to the well-being of the Church: the gift of discerning spirits. This is the powerful ability of supernatural perception—to hear and see into the spiritual realm. Yet many people who have it wonder if they are crazy.

Jennifer Eivaz, a trusted prophetic voice, has been there, and she offers hope, healing and practical help. Pulling back the veil, she:

    •  Lays a Biblical foundation for how this gift works
    •  Helps you discern what you are seeing and hearing
    •  Reveals what is happening in the spiritual realm
    •  Provides insight into the demonic, the angelic, and spiritual
    •  And more...

The enemy is on the move. More than ever, the Church needs people who operate in this powerful gift to expose hidden threats and help lead Believers to victory


Hear and See into the Spiritual Realm

Ways God Speaks to His Children

Ways God Speaks to His Children

Do you know God’s perfect will for your life?
Finding it is sometimes viewed as a mystery that only a privileged few can understand, yet the Bible makes it very clear that each and every believer can discover God’s perfect will. Every one of us can enjoy the blessings that are found only in being the center of God’s master plan for your life!
And learning His will comes as you learn to hear His voice.
Before I share the ways God tells you His will, let me share these foundational points:
  • God’s will is found in Christ alone. To know God’s perfect will, you must be a believer. We are told, “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you” (1 Thessalonians 5:18). You cannot know God’s will apart from being in Christ Jesus.
  • God’s will is always good. If it’s not good, it’s not God! Although bad things can happen to good people in the natural, in the spiritual realm God’s will is always working for our good: “And be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God” (Romans 12:2). When God is involved, you can be in the midst of problems, yet still have total peace and confidence in Him. You can be going through a storm yet be calm. If there is any evil presence or demonic oppression, it’s not good and it’s not God. If there’s no peace, it’s not God.
  • God’s will must be sought. You and I will not discover it unless we search for it. We are commanded to know God’s will, for His Word admonishes, “Be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is” (Ephesians 5:17). God’s will becomes clearer to you as you mature in the ways of the Spirit. The more you read the Word and spend time in prayer seeking God’s will, the more He responds.
Spiritual maturity also helps you recognize when it is not God talking to you. Jesus made that clear in saying, “My sheep hear My voice” (John 10:27).
In the familiar words of Psalm 23:1-2:
“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; he leadeth me beside the still waters.”
It is difficult to hear God’s voice in the midst of a storm, so getting alone with Him, in stillness, is crucial. Then, as you quiet your heart and linger in His presence, you can hear His still, small voice.

7 Ways God Speaks to His Children

God speaks to us in a number of ways, each distinct and different. But regardless of how He chooses to speak, everything He says and does is in response to your prayers. According to the Word of God, when we call upon Him, He will answer (Psalm 91:15).
When we call upon Him in prayer, He may choose to respond in only one way, or He may choose to employ several different ways to reveal His will to us, including these:
#1 God speaks through His Word.Downloading Bible
Daniel understood this principle, for he wrote, “The word of the Lord came to Jeremiah the prophet” (Daniel 9:2). The avenue through which God most often speaks to us is through His Word.
I have read the Bible cover to cover many, many times, and with each reading I discover new meaning in even the most familiar passages. What a difference it makes when the logos(written) Word becomes the rhema(revealed) Word. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve been reading a familiar passage of Scripture and suddenly the words seem to leap off the sacred pages and burn themselves into the depths of my being as I see it in an entirely new light and God speaks to me about a specific matter for which I am seeking His direction.
#2 God speaks through dreams and visions.
God speaks to His children through visions and dreams at times. The Scriptures record how Paul had a vision of Jesus:
“After I was back in Jerusalem and praying one day in the Temple, lost in the presence of God, I saw him, saw God’s Righteous Innocent, and heard him say to me, ‘Hurry up! Get out of here as quickly as you can. None of the Jews here in Jerusalem are going to accept what you say about me.’” (Acts 22:17-18 MSG)
Paul’s plan was to stay in Jerusalem and preach to those who knew him. He had made up his mind on what to do for God. But in a vision, Paul learned from God that his plan was not God’s plan. As a well-known Pharisee, Paul may have thought that his profile among the Jews would allow him to use his influence to persuade them to follow Jesus. “Surely,” Paul must have thought, “this will please God.”
But that was not God’s perfect will, and only as Paul prayed for direction was God’s perfect will given. God sent Paul to the Gentiles, and the world was changed forever—he shook the known world for God, and the reverberations from His act of obedience to God’s will continue to circle the globe today.
#3 God speaks through circumstances.windmills at sunset
A wonderful example of God telling His will through specific situations is recorded in the first book of the Old Testament. Marriages and funerals often mark massive changes for any family, and Abraham had just buried his wife, Sarah. As one generation passed away, it was time for another to begin. Abraham sought God’s will for his son Isaac’s choice of a wife. Eliezer, Abraham’s servant, was given a crucial task to find the person God wanted, and he prayed:
“O Lord God of my master Abraham, please give me success this day, and show kindness to my master Abraham. Behold, here I stand by the well of water, and the daughters of the men of the city are coming out to draw water. Now let it be that the young woman to whom I say, ‘Please let down your pitcher that I may drink,’ and she says, ‘Drink, and I will also give your camels a drink’—let her be the one You have appointed for Your servant Isaac. And by this I will know that You have shown kindness to my master.” (Genesis 24:12-14 NKJV)
Abraham had been given the promise from God: “I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; And you shall be a blessing” (Genesis 12:1-2 NKJV).
A great nation would require offspring, but Isaac at this point was 40 years old and unmarried. Abraham believed the promise of the building up of his family, but they were surrounded by wicked people. The choice of a perfect, God-approved wife had great consequences.
God can speak through circumstances. In addition to the selection of Rebekah, Isaac’s wife, God also spoke through such situations as Joseph being sold and sent to Egypt (Genesis 37), Moses with the burning bush (Exodus 3), Gideon putting out a fleece (Judges 6), Jonah being swallowed by a large fish (Jonah 1-4), and the disciples caught in the midst of a storm (Mark 4).
There are lessons to be learned when you are going through situations in your life. If you desire to hear from God through the circumstances facing you, it’s important to remember that the voice of God will always lead you toward His Word! And you can be assured:
“that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28 NKJV).
All things!

Claim God’s Promises in Every Area of Your Life

Let me share a quick word about what’s happening in this ministry, in relation to you.
More than ever before, I truly believe that for those who discover God’s will and trust His promises He is:
“able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us” (Ephesians 3:20).
One area that is often neglected in knowing and doing God’s will is continuing to take greater and greater steps of faith, especially in the area of giving.
We are told:
“He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully” (2 Corinthians 9:6).
Today, I am asking you to move up to a higher level. God wants to bless you tomorrow and in the future. After all, didn’t He say He would bring prosperity to you and that you would pass it on to your heirs?
Scripture says:
“A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children’s children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just” (Proverbs 13:22).
It’s time to claim in faith what our Lord has promised to you and your loved ones!
Just remember that you cannot give little and receive much. Every farmer and gardener knows this. The power is in the seed, and the amount of seed determines the results.

Extravagant giving produces an extravagant harvest. So step out in faith and plant a significant seed of whatever amount God places on your heart as you prayerfully consider what He wants you to give during this special season.
If you want supernatural favor and increase, plant a significant seed as an act of faith into the fertile soil of this worldwide ministry as we work together to take the life-saving and miracle-working Gospel of Jesus Christ to hurting and desperate souls.
Just as you learn to discover God’s will for your life step-by-step, claim the promises that are available to you.
Take a step of faith that you’ve never taken before so you can witness a miracle of prosperity that you’ve never experienced before!
Don’t miss this amazing season for you and for your family. Do it now!
Expecting God’s unprecedented harvest in your life,

jude jude udoh


MYSTERY OF THE NIGHT PART 2   The Voiceless Realm... Secrets of our Heroes past of Faith. This is another profound dimension of Pr...

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